09: One of the Biggest Mistakes You Can Make in Divorce and How to Overcome It

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What is the biggest mistake you can make when going through a divorce? 

Throwing in the towel… 

Some individuals decide that the effort, the confusion, the difficult conversations, the negotiations to litigation, the delays… it’s all simply not worth it. They just want their divorce and they want out no matter the cost. 

And I see it often, especially during the emotional holiday season. Some people are willing to forgo all future security, just to find temporary relief when the going gets tough. 

However, individuals who stay focused, in spite of hardship, often go on to live financially and emotionally secure, fulfilling lives after their divorce.

They don’t let fear or difficult conversations hold them back from the life they deserve. They get through their divorce with their sanity intact, grateful that they put in the work. 

They have resilience. They stay the course, no matter the obstacles.  

Join us today as we discuss how to build your own resilience to help you stay dedicated to the process, and make the best decisions for yourself in your divorce. 

We also discuss how a Divorce Coach can be a trusted partner who helps arm you with the tools and direction you need to find your inner strength as you step into your new life. 

You can sign up for the Pre-Divorce Action Guide at www.decodingdivorce.com/2. The action guide details the 15 things you must consider and do before filing for your divorce.