14: The One Law That Governs When Your Divorce Can Be Finalized

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In today’s episode, our team at Decoding Divorce sheds some light on one of the most important, and often misinterpreted laws that impacts your divorce case- the law that governs when your divorce can be finalized.

As with most areas of the law, it is not always straightforward. We aim to prepare you with the knowledge of the law and the factors that are considered when determining the time it may take to complete your divorce. 

We discuss how to have realistic expectations in regards to time, how to avoid frustration with the length of your case, and actionable steps to begin living your life during the in-between.   

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You can sign up for the Pre-Divorce Action Guide at www.DecodingDivorce.com/2. The action guide details the 15 things you must consider and do before filing for your divorce.