06: Six Keys to a Successful Self-Represented Mediation

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There are many options for negotiating your divorce, and it can be extremely overwhelming. The new trend of mediation often seems like the quickest, easiest, and cheapest route to take.

However, without a plan, confidence, and intention, mediation can quickly turn into a chaotic mess with unexpected or unintended consequences.

In today’s podcast, we highlight the six keys to successfully navigating divorce mediation so you can feel prepared, knowledgeable, and ultimately successful as you move forward.

In addition, we cover why it is vital that you find reliable and credible support as you prepare. A Divorce Coach can provide you with a wealth of knowledge and insight, helping you shape a life you’re excited to step into.

You can sign up for the Pre-Divorce Action Guide at www.decodingdivorce.com/2. The action guide details the 15 things you must consider and do before filing for your divorce.